• ProTERM's Quick Index is available for this document.
When this file is opened from a ProTERM Help menu, a small table of
contents or "Index" window also opens to the right of this window: ===>>
Double-click any subject header in the Quick Index window to locate that
subject header here. Use the Quick Index window as a quick navigator tool.
• Create Quick Indexes for your own ProTERM documents. For help on this
and other features, choose Help from the Apple menu (upper left corner).
** ——— **
*** About PTMM ***
Read and compose all email offline, press a key and send your outgoing mail, and receive your waiting mail, opened on your desktop ready to read. PTMM even allows auto-reply with a keystroke. PTMM (ProTERM Message Manager) does this easily, and with all of the ProTERM editor features, email is fun, its all automated — You’ll feel like a professional. PTMM also calls major services such as Delphi and reads and posts forum messages. PTMM is free with ProTERM, and available from <www.intrec.com>
ProTERM Message Manager (PTMM), ProTERM’s automatic email plugin is FREE!
PTMM is available from <www.intrec.com>. Complete with its own installer,
PTMM allows email automation for Internet email, POP3-SMTP and other online
services. Just plug in PTMM, and it runs from within ProTERM.
If you connect to an Internet Service Provider for direct or POP3-SMTP email,
or dialup or telnet to other services such as Delphi, Genie, or CompuServe,
ProTERM Mac Message Manager (PTMM) can save your time, money and patience by
allowing you to do all of your reading and composing offline, and all online
work is completely automated.
Let us know how ProTERM works for you.
InTrec Software, Inc. Sales ___________________ Tech ______
3035 E Topaz Circle 1888/PROTERM tollfree USA Voc:602/992-1345
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423 602/992-5515 outside USA BBS:602/992-9789